Neale's genre theory can be applied to Deutschland 83. This genre theory is about what genres are, and about how and why they are created, change endure or decline. As well Neale accentuates the fact that genres are not fixed but constantly evolve this can lead hybrids with other genres which is perfectly example din Deutschland 83. Deutschland 83 is originally a spy genre but due to the advancements in the story and the way its been set out, a clear genre hybrid can be spotted. It includes a Comedy genre as well as a Thriller genre.The conventions of a spy genre is that the main protagonist is usually male, there's features of weapons/tech, Secrecy, dark colour palette and tension and suspense and even plot twists. The conventions of a comedy genre is that lighting tends to be bright, main character usually male and their life isn't running too smoothly. Hybrid of Deutschland 83 conforms to both to a Spy genre and comedy genre show. It contains a male protagonists who's life isn't running smoothly. Deutschland 83 also used a Dark colour palette but subverts from it in a lighted heart moments. As it is a spy genre it contains a lot of Tech and Weapons , Secrecy, Tension and Plot twists. An example of this is in the first episode in t= 18:10 where Martin is running away from the general and his Aunt in the supermarket and the song 'Sweet Dreams' is playing, this comedic as Martin is dumbfounded of the West and can be seen visually shocked, this helped with a moving camera added to the intensity of the scene as well. Despite it being as comedic it was also a tense scene as Martin found that what had happened today and tried to run away and keeps the audience on the edge of their seat to find out what has happened to him. In the West it used bright colours to accentuate the comedic values this was proved through mise-en-scene and what Martin was wearing during that scene. This can lead to both a democracy and multiculturalism ideology within that episode.
Todorov's theory of Narratology can be linked to Deutschland 83. Narratology is the study of narrative; in this case, of narrative structure and how the parts fit together to make a whole. Todorov argued that All narratives can be seen as a move from one state of equilibrium (where nothing need occur) to another, new equilibrium. The disruption to the equilibrium is what drives the narrative towards a new equilibrium. The movement from the initial equilibrium to the new equilibrium entails a transformation (e.g. the hero expresses their heroism and defeats the villain) – this transformation expresses what the narrative values.This is shown in the first episode of Deutschland 83 as the equilibrium for Martin was his everyday life working at border control, living with his mum and being with his girlfriend. The disequilibrium cam when his aunt came into the East in an attempt to take him away and become a undercover spy in the West working for the East. At first Martin did not want to do it but then is forced into when he gets his finger broken and drugged after being questioned by the general. He wakes up in the West in a massive house and only to find another general and his aunt there. After first refusing to do the task, in the end he understood the implications and decided to do it for the good of his country, this has become his new equilibrium and he understood his job and wanted to complete it to go back.
Van Zoonen Feminist theory is applied in Deutschland 83. In patriarchal culture, the way women's bodies are represented as objects is different to the representation of male bodies as spectacle. Gender is preformative – our ideas of femininity and masculinity
are constructed in our performances of these roles. Gender is ‘what we do’
rather than ‘what we are’. Moreover, gender is contextual – its meaning changes
with cultural and historical contexts. An example within the first episode is t=7:40 when Martins Mum is in the Kitchen with her sister Lenora this is a perfect example of Van Zoonen as it shows a gender stereotype of women in the kitchen doing domestic chores. This constructs a specific performance which has certain specific historical context of women becoming more domestic. This scene is also significant as it shows a clear divide between the two sisters. Martins Mum is from the East and is proven by the clothes she is wearing which is more of the working class and it accentuates their families social status and class. Whereas Lenora the sister is seen wearing more smart clothing and even has a cigarette in her hand this oozes power and strongly suggests that she is of a higher class and has been from the West of Germany. This shows two sisters and the contrast of lifestyle and class. Another example of Van Zoonen in the text is t=37:24 this wide shot presents Yvonne as the centre of attention and almost as the spectacle. This links to the idea that gender is perfomative and where Yvonne is obliged to perform a classical song by her father wishes and expectations , which is a vast contrast from her brother who is expected to be a soldier and leader this signify the societies ideas of femininity and masculinity and are constructed within these two roles. This portrays the ideology of feminism and women having equal rights.
Barthes theories of multi stranded narrative, connotation and denotation, enigma code all can be applied/justified in the first episode of Deutschland 83. Multi stranded narrative relates to the idea of a ball of string and this signify the idea that there are multiple story lines within one narrative.
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